Hi, I'm Nikolas. My beautiful head

I'm a PhD candidate at the Vienna University for Economics and Business (WU) and am on the 24/25 job market. My research interests lie in environmental economics, and applied econometrics.

You can check out my CV , contact me via or phone , or find out more about my research , software , and teaching below.

Research and publications

I'm interested in the spillover effects of agriculture and mining on deforestation and other outcomes, and am developing practical econometric methods to investigate them. My job market paper and other ongoing work are ...

Journal articles

Other publications


I'm passionate about free and open source software, and have written packages for Bayesian modelling, efficient computation, and data handling using R and C++.


I have taught courses at the Master's and Bachelor's level at WU, served as a teaching assistant at CEU, and organised two reading groups with various guests at WU.

Reading group

I organised and headed two reading groups at WU. The goal was for participants to discuss a range of economics- and research-related issues amongst themselves, and with experienced guests.